Installation of Officers and Appointees

Jun 17, 2023 | What's Happening

The General Federation of Women’s Club of North Carolina (GFWC of NC) Statesville Woman’s Club officers for 2023-2025 were appointed, installed, and confirmed at their June meeting.

Front row from left: Karen Throckmorton, GFWC-NC President-elect, and Installing Officer; Dana White, President; Shelley Arthur, First Vice President; Wanda Rushton, Second Vice President; Deena Chambers, Secretary; and Kim Turner, Treasurer. Back row from left: Yolanda Myers-Johnson and Joanna Gaither, Membership Committee; Jennifer Griffith, Immediate Past President, Buildings and Grounds Committee and Parliamentarian; Kim Mulrey, Chaplain, and Courtesy Chairman; Valerie Oliphant, Webmaster; Lee Ann Sherrill, Publicity/Social Media Chairman; and Stephanie Gill, Sallie Southall Cotten Scholarship Co-Chairman.

Not pictured are Linda Lavinder, Historian/Newsletter; Carol Trahan, Membership Committee; Barb Thorson, Sallie Southall Cotten Scholarship Co-Chairman; and Sandra Landry, Ways and Means.

During the June 1 meeting, 2023-2024 Club Officers and Appointees were installed by Karen Throckmorton, President-elect, GFWC-NC. The event held before members and guests allows a public profession of members’ intention to serve in leadership positions furthering the causes of GFWC-NC and SWC.