“Blooms for a Cause” Geranium Sale

“Blooms for a Cause” Geranium Sale

SWC annual Geranium Sale is anticipated by local supporters and members alike. Presales begin in January and end on pickup day April 14. The event involved staging flowers at the clubhouse on Friday in preparation for Saturday pick up. Home deliveries were made to...
Club Installs New Members

Club Installs New Members

Nine new members were ushered into SWC during an installation ceremony on May 16. Two new members with prior commitments were also recognized. Honored members and guests alike received puzzle pieces reminding that ALL members contribute essential pieces to the puzzle...
Sallie Southall Cotten Scholarship Program

Sallie Southall Cotten Scholarship Program

The GFWC of North Carolina Sallie Southall Cotten Scholarship (SSCS) is a 4-year scholarship awarded to an outstanding North Carolina high school senior (male or female). Students must first be sponsored by a GFWC-NC club in their local area that is participating in...
Blow Child Abuse Away

Blow Child Abuse Away

SWC donated to Pharos Parenting during Child Abuse Prevention Month April; Pinwheels raise awareness. Pinwheel gardens represent efforts that support families prioritizing prevention right from the start to make sure child abuse and neglect never occur. Pinwheels are...